Last week we asked all six Republican candidates for congress in CD-5 to submit two questions (total) for the rest of their opponents to answer. We then collected those questions and distributed them back to the candidates, and you can read their questions and answers below.
Two candidates – Doug Lamborn and Lionel Rivera – did not respond to our requests, so to reward the candidates who did, we thought we’d run a little contest. Read the questions and answers below, then vote on which candidate you found most impressive based on their answers. The winner will receive a free small button ad on Colorado Pols for the week leading up to the primary.
Let’s get started…
(NOTE: Candidates did not answer their own questions, so each question will have answers from only three candidates)
1. What programs would you cut from the federal government to save taxpayer dollars and begin to pay down our national debt?
Bentley Rayburn: I have already proposed the elimination of the Department of Commerce and think that we need to look for other programs that should be culled. Think tanks like the CATO Institute and the Heritage Foundation have done a lot of work identifying wasteful programs and they deserve serious consideration.
Duncan Bremer:
John Anderson: My first priority would be to stop tax dollars from being paid to anyone who is in this country illegally, in jail, or wanted on a warrant for any criminal offense. When I was the Sheriff for El Paso County, I initiated a program that intercepted over $1.5M going to inmates in jail that were not entitled to recieve (e.g., SSI, Worker’s comp, Unemployment). This is a multi-million, if not multi-billion dollar fraud that happens every day in America. I would introduce legislation requiring anyone receiving a check from the federal government to appear in person at least every four months to prove they are who they say they are, that they are lawful citizens, and that they are truly entitled to that payment.
2. What is your position on legal reform?
Bentley Rayburn: I am an enthusiastic supporter of tort reform. It would do wonders to encourage innovation in science and health care fields and the savings to our health care system would be phenomenal.
John Anderson: I support tort reform.
Duncan Bremer: I support tort reform, limiting non-economic damages, attorney’s fees in class actions, attorney’s fees in “private attorneys general” type acts that permit “public interest law firms” to feed at taxpayer expense, suing the federal government and private partied, instead of the elected representatives being able to direct the agenda. E.g. the Boulder Biodiversity Center suing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (or threatening to sue) to list the Prebles Meadow Jumping Mouse or to prevent its delisting.
3. If you were unable to vote for yourself in the August Primary, which candidate would you vote for?
Duncan Bremer: Jeff Crank
Bentley Rayburn: Is it too late to write in Newt Gingrich?
Jeff Crank: Duncan Bremer because he is a man of integrity and has chosen to talk about issues and run a positive campaign.
4. Since three of the core believes of the Republican Party are; less government intrusions in our lives, more individual responsibility and more individual freedom, how can you support Constitutional Amendments that promote social issues (e.g., the Defense of Marriage or Pro-Life Amendments) that only force more government intrusion into our lives, and lessen individual responsibility and weaken individual freedom?
Bentley Rayburn: Whoever wrote this question is unfit for office. Government’s first job is to protect its citizens, especially its most vulnerable. We have laws against murder because a civilized society does not live by the laws of the jungle, where only the strong survive. Individual freedom is an ideal that we want to protect and expand, but never when you are abusing that freedom to take the life of another. Protecting innocent life is fundamental, merciful, and right. That child deserves our protection and the more than 40 million souls that have perished since Roe v Wade remain a stain on the soul of this otherwise great nation. Abortion remains the tool of those who wish to avoid individual responsibility for the decisions they have made. That they would kill another merely to live a life of greater convenience is the greatest tragedy imaginable. Again, the author of this question shows a shocking disregard for the meanings of responsibility and freedom.
Regarding the defense of marriage, I would have preferred that government remained entirely out of the institution of marriage. Unfortunately, the two are hopelessly entwined through laws, regulations, tax codes, etc. The very least that government can do in return, is to protect this precious institution from activist judges and from those extremist interest groups whose ongoing battle against morality in any form has now led them to this assault on marriage.
Jeff Crank: Constitutional amendments should not be taken lightly – but when those on the left attack such institutions as traditional marriage and use judicial activism to advance their cause, the legislative branch of government has an obligation to step in. On the pro-life amendment if someone says they are pro-life, I don’t understand then, why you wouldn’t do everything possible to protect “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” if you believe that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided.
Duncan Bremer:
5. What personal experiences have prepared you to be a leader on the international stage in the War against Radical Islamic Jihadist and the current military crisis in the Middle East?
John Anderson: I have over thirty years law enforcement experience with extensive domain expertise in both domestic and international terrorism. I am the only candidate in this race employed full-time as a homeland security and defense subject matter expert and hold security clearances at the highest levels in government. The corporation I work for is the largest defense contractor in the world with a global reach into 56 countries and 48 states. I have worked extensively with the FBI, designated by the President, as the lead federal agency for terrorism and am actively engaged with both NORAD and USNORTHCOM.
Duncan Bremer:
Jeff Crank: Being a member of Congress does not mean that you are a leader on the international stage. It means that you are, under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, to raise and maintain an Army and a Navy. I am the only candidate in the race that has legislative experience drafting defense authorization bills and working with the Armed Services Committee and the Appropriations Committee to fund the military through the legislative process. We are not trying to be elected Secretary of State.
6. What qualifications do you have that will enable you to deal with the problems faced in the American educational system?
Jeff Crank: First and foremost, I am a parent. That means that I have a vested interest in the educational system working for all of us. The federal government should not play a role in K-12 education – that should be left to state and local governments. A member of Congress can, however, use the bully pulpit of the office to advance school choice, vouchers, and free-market reforms in K-12 education.
John Anderson: I am a product of public education K-12 in the 5th Congressional Distict, a graduate of Pikes Peak Community College, Regis College and hold an MBA from Regis University. I taught for several years at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) in the Graduate School of Public Affairs and for Penn State University. I also have a daughter attending public school in District 20 and her mother and I are actively involved in her education and interact with her teachers and the school principal on an on-going basis. Many of my supporters are school teachers and I am very supportive of their issues and concerns.
Duncan Bremer:
7. Aside from political campaigns and issues, how have you contributed to your community through volunteering?
Bentley Rayburn: Working as an elder in my church, serving on the boards of charities and Christian organizations, as well as work with local charitable groups.
Jeff Crank:I am a volunteer with my church (Sunrise) as well as volunteer with Boy Scouts, Angel tree program and various other community service organizations.
John Anderson: I have been actively involved in not-for-profit organizations for several decades in the 5th Congressional District. I have served on the Board of Directors for a half dozen organizations, and have been actively involved in various fundraising activities both while serving as Sheriff for El Paso County and after retiring (the most recent was as the 2005 Chairman of the American Heart Association Heart Walk).
8. Have you signed the attached Integrity Pledge proposed by Duncan Bremer? Why or why not?
Jeff Crank: Yes. It is important to be truthful in a political campaign. We can have differences but there has been too much misrepresentation and lying during this campaign. I thank Duncan for his pledge.
John Anderson: Yes, I believed it was the ethic thing to do and believe the tax loop-hole that 527 operate under should be closed.
Bentley Rayburn: No. My campaign already acts with integrity and we do it because that is what we require of ourselves. Signing some pledge makes it look like you’re doing things right because you have to, rather than because you want to.
Now that the “Online Debate” is over, it’s time to cast your vote for the winner.
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if one of them would introduce an amendment to the constitution making Divorce illegal….
if that was law I would still be married to a lying, cheating, scumbag that likes to screw her boss, and I never would have met my wife of the past 25 years.
I could go for a law that penalizes lying and cheating though. Maybe cutting off or sewing shut certain body parts for different offenses?
My man you never cease to make me spew coffee all over my keyboard and monitor. You are one funny guy. I like that sewing bit. You doing comedy now instead of ridding your hog? We don’t agree on much but I really appreciate your sense of humor. I’m with you on this one, too many cheating girlfriends, too many lying dates. You go my man!
Life is too short to have no sense of humor…………
I second that motion!